Spring global studies programs expand learning beyond classroom
Tiny organisms. X-ray machines with dials. What sets the U.S. health care system apart – and what can be learned from practices overseas?
Every day College of Health Professions students, alumni, faculty and staff do extraordinary things. Read more about our latest achievements below.
Tiny organisms. X-ray machines with dials. What sets the U.S. health care system apart – and what can be learned from practices overseas?
When the top combined driving competitors gathered in France this month to vie for the world’s championship, a 35-year College of Health Professions administrator was at the center of the American effort. Selected by US Equestrian as the chef d’équipe, or team manager, Jeff Legg ensured the country’s single-horse drivers were ready to pursue a medal.
By, Dan Carrigan
The Navy veteran brings experience and empathy to the classroom and to patient care in clinical radiation sciences.
Mark Crosthwaite, M.Ed., CNMT, PET, RS, FSNMMI-TS, and president of the US Society of Nuclear Medicine-Technologist Section, took part in an interview regarding the impact of COVID-19 on nuclear medicine technologists. The article will be published in the Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology.
Kelsey Reynolds, a recent graduate of our Radiation Sciences program, loves her new job as a CT technologist at VCU Medical Center. This VCU News article features Kelsey and other recent and soon-to-be-grads as they describe how they've found success in the job market during the pandemic.
Parker Stanley, MHA, RDMS, RVT, RMSKS, RT(S) Department of Radiation Sciences Diagnostic Medical Sonography clinical coordinator, gave a presentation with his father Charles Stanley, BSRT(R)(CT)(MR), CRA, CIIP, MRSO, FSMRT, senior medical science liaison at Guerbet, LLC.