Mission and goals

Mission Statement

The mission of the Department of Radiologic Sciences is to enable a diverse student body to develop its fullest potential; to graduate baccalaureate level radiologic health professionals who demonstrate outstanding technical, communication, and critical thinking skills.

Department Goals

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate proficiency in performing medical imaging procedures. (Radiography and Sonography only)
  • Demonstrate proficiency in delivering radiation therapy treatments. (Radiation Therapy only)
  • Demonstrate simulation skills. (Radiation Therapy only)
  • Demonstrate proficiency in performing nuclear medicine procedures. (Nuclear Medicine only)
  • Demonstrate appropriate handling and administration of radiopharmaceuticals. (Nuclear Medicine only)
  • Demonstrate proper patient care skills.
  • Practice appropriate methods of radiation safety. (Radiography, Radiation Therapy & Nuclear Medicine only)

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate effective verbal communication.
  • Demonstrate effective written communication.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate the ability to problem solve.
  • Critically analyze published research in the Radiologic sciences.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Perform in an ethical manner.
  • Demonstrate professional behavior.
  • Broaden knowledge and awareness of service opportunities in the imaging sciences.

Program Effectiveness Data

  • For entry level and second modality programs, students will graduate within the curricula time allocation.
  • BS Degree completion track students will graduate within 7 years of enrollment.
  • For entry level and second modality programs, graduates will successfully pass the primary  certification exam.
  • For entry level and second modality programs, graduates will obtain employment in the Radiologic sciences.
  • Students/graduates will express satisfaction with their educational experience.
  • Employers will be satisfied with the performance of our graduates.

Manifesting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Virginia Commonwealth University Department of Radiation Sciences


  • Inclusion refers to the respectful reception, treatment, and incorporation of all people with recognition of their individual and social identities and perspectives regardless of how they differ from yours.
  • Equity refers to justice in practice with consideration of unequal access to resources and opportunities afforded to various communities, as well as the removal of structural and systemic barriers that limit potential and possibilities.
  • Diversity refers to distribution of all members of the department (faculty, students, staff, University and Academic Professionals) who hold different social identities, backgrounds, belief systems, and experiences.

Goals for Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity

  • Foster and sustain an environment of inclusion, equity, and diversity through training, recruitment, and peer support.
  • Incorporate inclusion, equity, and diversity assertively into our research, teaching, practice, outreach, assessment, operations, and decision making at all levels.
  • Challenge long held opinions and assumptions and act in order to change them.
  • Educate our department members to be social justice advocates, creatively providing curricula, programs, and environments that reflect the diversity of our communities, and elevate cultural awareness.
  • Evaluate and rectify organizational structures, policies, and practices that cause differential impact and limit access and opportunities for all members of our department.
  • Foster a culture of respect and inclusion that values the experiences and perspectives of all members of our department.

Promises Regarding Recruitment and Retention

  • Address intergroup disparities in representation and retention through consistent dialogue and training, and intentional efforts to make our environment welcoming.
  • Support and advance a diverse department.
  • Provide resources and programs to promote individuals that enhance our ability to reach our goals of diversity, inclusion, and equity.
  • Advance our workforce by attracting and developing talented faculty, staff, University and Academic Professionals from diverse backgrounds.
  • Advance and build our workforce by assessing hiring practices and performance review procedures to attract, retain, and develop talented faculty, students, staff, University and Academic Professionals from diverse backgrounds.

The Department of Radiation Sciences does not consider an applicant's race, gender or other protected characteristics, or legacy status, as a factor when determining admission.